Chiropractic Oasis of Gardendale

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Gardendale, AL 35071


The 100 Year Lifestyle

Enjoy these 100 Year Lifestyle chiropractic posts courtesy of Chiropractic Oasis of Gardendale in Gardendale, AL 35071.

100 Year Lifestyle

Chiropractic Essentials

  • The Long and Short of Telomeres

        Talk of telomeres is making its way into health news today more than ever. Until recently you may not have heard of telomeres. Now that you have, you still might not understand their importance. Let’s look at the long and short of telomeres. […]

  • Thriving After Adversity: Post-Traumatic Growth

        Life is rarely smooth sailing. We all, at some time, experience challenges of one kind or another that cause us severe and lasting emotional or psychological distress. These traumatic events often overwhelm our normal ability to cope, leading […]

  • Take A Breath

        Our breath is an essential part of life that we often take for granted. It is a process that allows us to bring oxygen into our bodies and release carbon dioxide. Proper breathing is essential for survival and plays a vital role in maintaining […]

  • The Power That Heals The Body

        Do you understand the power that heals the body? Almost everyone has an inner knowledge that mental and emotional “stresses” can cause illness in the body. However, the question has always been how and why? To understand the inner workings […]

  • A Prescription Drug Solution

          The high cost of prescription drug is often in the news and a major issue on many levels. Therefore, individuals, families, communities, and politicians are searching for answers as the cost of drugs and health care skyrocket and people […]

100 Year

Healthy Recipes

  • Matcha Magic

        Matcha is literally on everyone’s lips today. The secret of matcha magic has […]

  • Tidy Up Your Diet

        Between mom and Marie Kondo, we know all the reasons to keep our space clutter […]

  • Wonderful Walnut Baklava

        Walnuts have been cherished for thousands of years, with their origins traced […]

  • Mouthwatering Chickpea Curry

      Curry is…everywhere. The word itself encompasses a variety of styles and […]

  • Algae – A Global Phenomenon

        Nori is a staple in sushi. You might already be having spirulina in your […]